OSG in Fortune CEO Initiative: Should CEOs wade into political issues or stay focused on business?

This is a question that we wrestle with often, and one without a universal answer.

During a meeting of Fortune's CEO Initiative, One Strategy Group CEO David Meadvin was asked by Diane Brady to share his thoughts on this. 

“CEOs may be drawn into policy issues in ways they’d prefer to stay out,” explained Meadvin. “I rarely meet a CEO who wakes up in the morning and thinks about how they can insert themselves into the news. Things happen where we don’t have a choice but to weigh in.” 

Sometimes forces out of a CEO’s control make it impossible to stay on the sidelines. For example, when policy issues impact their bottom line, CEOs may have no choice but to address it. When employees begin to use their voices and demand action, CEOs have no choice but to demonstrate leadership, listen and respond to employee needs. 

That's why we need to move away from thinking that decisions like these have simple, predictable answers. CEOs face too much complexity to make decisions based on rigid, outdated thinking. Choices have consequences, and carry their own risks and unintended consequences. 

The answer to this question depends on weighing your options, identifying the complexities, and often taking a risk, all while maintaining authenticity and commitment to the company and its value to the marketplace. There is no singular playbook or correct course of action.

In the age of complexity and uncertainty, we need to update our thinking, tap into present-day considerations, and calculate risks to build resilient companies.

You can read the full article on Fortune here.
