OSG CEO: What leaders can learn from President Biden's decision not to run for re-election

Photo by René DeAnda on Unsplash.

One Strategy Group CEO David Meadvin writes in Fortune about what CEOs can learn from President Biden's decision not to run for re-election. 

Early in his career, David served as a speechwriter for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Time after time, Reid seemed to revel in doing the opposite of the advice his team gave him. It was confounding until David thought about it this way: Over the course of the decades Reid was in public office, thousands of staffers came and went while he was the only constant.

The higher you climb in public or corporate life, the more you naturally come to rely on your own instincts over those of the people around you.

In his Fortune op-ed, David makes three key suggestions for how CEOs can learn from the process President Biden went through and his ultimate decision: 

  • Listen to people who aren't on your payroll.
  • Don't be the bottleneck.
  • Define what "enough" looks like.

Check out the op-ed here.
